If you feel as though your wages are suspiciously low or your paycheck does not seem to match the hours you worked, you may be experiencing wage theft by your employer. Wage theft occurs when employers fail to pay employees their full wages as required by law. There...
Employment Law And Personal Injury Attorneys
Sexual Harassment
What are your legal rights as a misclassified employee?
Misclassification occurs when an employer incorrectly categorizes an employee as an independent contractor. This distinction holds significant implications for both parties involved. You must know your legal rights, particularly when it comes to the issue of...
What happens during an RCI retaliation investigation?
CalMatters reported an increase of 50% in reports of workplace retaliation since 2019. In California, it is the job of the Retaliation Complaint Investigation Unit to safeguard the rights of employees. The unit diligently investigates claims of retaliation to ensure a...
Disability accommodations in California workplaces
According to the CDC, roughly one in four adults in California has a disability. If you have a disability and are working in California, you have the right to reasonable accommodations in your workplace. These accommodations are modifications or adjustments that...
Why sexual harassment is so common in bars and restaurants
Sexual harassment remains a pervasive issue in bars and restaurants across the United States. This alarming trend has long persisted, affecting countless employees. Understanding the underlying factors contributing to the prevalence of sexual harassment in these...
What breaks do employees have a right to under the law?
SWN Digital reported that 51% of workers in the U.S. do not take a proper lunch break at work. In California, state labor laws protect employees' rights to breaks. These regulations aim to ensure that workers have the opportunity to take essential breaks during their...
Reasons employers may misclassify workers
The problem of employers wrongly classifying their workers is a big issue that affects the rights and benefits of employees. According to the Economic Policy Institute, as many as 30% of employers in California make this mistake. This happens when employers...
How to prove retaliation
The California Labor Commissioner's Office reported a growth in retaliation claims with five times as many in 2021 than in 2018. In the workplace, employees have the right to speak out against unfair treatment, discrimination or unlawful practices without facing...
Wage and hour claims in California
Workers in the United States are very fortunate, as their rights are strongly protected by labor laws. Among the most fundamental of these is the right to fair pay for all hours worked. Federal regulations exist to ensure that employers offer fair compensation to...
What rights do workers without documentation have?
One segment of the American workforce often remains in the shadows: undocumented workers. Their rights and protections are not always evident, even though these individuals are a part of the economy. According to Pew Research data, more than eight million undocumented...