Employment Law And Personal Injury Attorneys

What are some common types of retaliation at work?

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2024 | Hostile Work Environment

Retaliation at work is a serious problem that happens when a worker faces punishment for reporting something wrong about the company or taking part in a protected activity.

Employees can only really succeed in their careers when workplaces are fair and safe. Part of staying safe includes knowing some common types of retaliation a worker might come across.

Verbal abuse

Verbal abuse happens when a boss uses cruel or hurtful words toward an employee who spoke up about wrongdoing or discrimination. It can include insults or threats to make the worker feel intimidated.

Exclusion or isolation

Sometimes, employers or coworkers intentionally exclude an employee from meetings or social events, which can leave the worker feeling isolated and disconnected from others.

Unfair punishments

Employees may get in trouble for small mistakes or actions that were not wrong just because they spoke about something else bad happening in the workplace. This can include getting written up or even losing their job for no reason.

Bad performance reviews

After someone talks about wrongdoing at their place of business, they might get a performance review that says they are doing a poor job, even if they are a solid employee. When an employer reacts like this, it can hurt a worker’s chances of getting promotions or raises.

Sudden job changes

In some cases, employers might suddenly give an employee more work or different tasks. Employees can struggle with these assignments, making their jobs harder and less enjoyable.

Blocked opportunities

After a worker tries to alert others to an issue, their employer might stop them from getting promotions or training opportunities. This can make it harder for them to grow in their career and earn more money.

Employees have to be ready to stand up for their rights and get help if they face a hostile work environment. It is important for bosses and employers to create a workplace where people feel safe to speak up without being afraid of retaliation.

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